
Claire Houston Therapy

Welcome to Claire Houston Therapy.

Claire is an experienced mental health psychotherapist with a range of therapeutic interventions to offer.

Qualifications & Training:

  • PGDiP Cogntiive Behavioural Therapy
  • Diploma Mental Health Nursing
  • Level 1 & 2 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
  • Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders


  • Over 15 years experience working in mental health
  • Senior CBT Therapist in the NHS Adult Mental Health Services
  • Senior CBT Therapist at online CBT Service
  • Clinical Lead at Orri  Adult Eating Disorder Day Care Service in London
  • Adolescent Eating Disorder Day Care Service Manager at The Priory
  • Senior Mental Health Nurse on General Psychiatric Ward at The Priory
  • Clinical Associate Trainer & Carer’s Group Facilitator for BEAT
  • Guest lecturer at Universities, Colleges & Schools
  • Senior Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in various Criminal Justice & Addictions Services


Houston, we have a problem…

Claire is based in Chester, Cheshire but is able to deliver online psychotherapy and support wherever you are in the UK.
01. Online Therapy.

Claire offers online therapy on the video platform of your choice for a wide range of disorders and difficulties. Online therapy is available to anyone in the UK.

02. Face to Face Therapy

For those in the local area who would prefer face-to-face interactions. ** not currently being offered ***

03. Training & Courses

Invite Claire to your workplace school or organisation to present, speak or train in a variety of mental health and wellbeing subjects, including (but not limited to):

  • Eating Disorder Awareness
  • Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Specific Mental Health difficulties including anxiety management, low mood, self esteem, body image, stress management and more…
04. Other Projects

Claire is also involved in other active projects such as facilitating online carer’s groups & eating disorder training for Primary Care Staff & Schools on behalf of BEAT, developing an online therapy support programme for Eating Disorders on www.auntieana.com & delivering corporate Mental Health in the Workplace training for staff in large organisations, and more.



Houston, we have a solution…

Claire can support you to become your own therapist and overcome your difficulties through weekly sessions & in between session tasks. All of Claire’s treatments are evidence based and in line with BABCP Competencies & NICE Guidelines.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Eating Disorders & Body Dysmorphia
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Phobias, Body Repetitive Disorder (hair pulling etc.), Hoarding, Self Esteem & More


Claire has a wide range of skills and interests and is always keen to expand her knowledge and experience so you can rest assured that Claire will always work hard to help you understand your problem and guide you towards evidence based, effective solutions. Claire offers short and long term therapeutic support to suit your needs.



What previous clients have said.

If you are thinking of making a change and feel that you are ready to take the next step, you will not be disappointed. Here are some comments from some previous clients.


“Claire was my therapist when I was 15 years old. I had been through  several therapists before I met Claire and just never clicked with anyone, I started to think that I was just supposed to be like this and would never get better and my Mum was recommended Claire by someone that she goes to a support group with and she was just different. I was really nervous starting but Claire made me comfortable straight away. She is warm, caring, funny and the reason why I’m still here today. I’m just about to finish Uni and I did it with all the skills I learned with Claire. I 100% recommend

A Previous Client with Anorexia Nervosa


“I  worked with Claire after a relationship breakdown. I had never really had any problems with my mental health before and was worried that my problems were ‘trivial’ as I know other people have things worse but Claire helped me to come to terms with my break up and work through my low mood and anxiety felt so much better. I hadn’t realised how much I needed that at that time”.

A Previous Client with Depression & Anxietty


“I started to work with Claire when I had pure meltdown in work. I started to have panic attacks and really horrible intrusive thoughts. Claire supported me though and I was able to manage my anxiety a lot more. I haven’t had a panic attack since!”

A Previous Client with Panic Attacks & Generalised Anxiety




Claire offers a wide range of appointments to suit everyone. Why not get in contact for a FREE 30 minute consultation to see if you feel that Claire is someone that you would work well with.
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